> Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 23:09:01 -0700
> From: Alex Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: mission critical apps; was Re: cross platform ide

> Again: formalize it and be able to explain it to managers and other
> programmers. Make a case study for runrev to post on their website. Or
> write a HOW-To and post it to RevNet. Seriously. I'm not singling you
> out Ken; 
I hope not, I was just hoping the simplicity of what I described might help.
I'm not headed that way (IT developer kits), but I'm not even sure putting a
bunch of time, effort, and expenses into marketing Rev down that particular
road is worthwhile. It's main thing is diversity and development speed.
These things are MacGuivers...Swiss Army Knives (have you checked out the
'new' Swiss Army Knives lately?). But that doesn't mean they're unreliable.
HyperCard on a dedicated Performa has been reliably running the concert hall
lighting system in the world's tallest buildings (The Petronas Towers in
Kuala Lumpur) for years.

It's hard to believe how far Rev has come in a couple years, though. It just
keeps getting better.

Have I said that before? Or was it someone else?

Ken N.

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