J. Landman Gay heeft op donderdag, 5 aug 2004 om 18:09 (Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

On 8/5/04 4:09 AM, Terry Vogelaar wrote:

I have a weird problem I can't solve.
I get an error message "Object: value is not a boolean (true or false)" when calling a custom handler. The handler doesn't expect a boolean value; in fact it never arrives at the handler code, because the error occurs in the call. But the call works fine in the message box.

This is a spurious error message that was being sent in version 2.2. Upgrading to version 2.2.1 fixes the problem.

If you are already using 2.2.1 then we'll need to troubleshoot some more.

Dar Scott heeft op donderdag, 5 aug 2004 om 18:06 (Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

Check it in the beta.

I installed 2.2.1 and tried it in the beta. The described error is gone, but there is another one now. It says "Can't find handler"

I added a test function to both stacks with the same name to see which of the two is called. To my surprise, the one in the login stack is called! At least that explains the "Can't find handler" error. That is the stack with the executed script in it, but that one is closed at the moment of the call; the other stack should be the frontmost at that time and thus it should receive messages. Or am I wrong about this?

Is there a way to explicitly tell RunRev which stack should handle the call?


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