Hi Thomas,


Thanks for getting back to me. I have been reading the docs and also searching the list.

So far I can't find what I need. I have fields with pasted text in them. The text is a mix of English characters and Asian ones. I want to put the text via script into another field but it changes the characters.

Clue: When you manually enter text in a language that does not use the Roman alphabet, using the operating system's tools, Revolution automatically sets the textFont of the text you enter to the appropriate font for the language you have chosen.

I assume this means from the clipboard via copy paste.

I want to put mixed text via script into another field from a field that already has it. So far each thing I try screws up either the english or the asian.


set the unicodetext of fld "the empty one" to the unicodetext of field "the one with mixed text in it"

Hope that helps...



Klaus Major [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.major-k.de

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