You wrote;
>Glenn I'm in Humble (basically a suburb of Houston).    I would  definitely be 
>interesting in participating in a RUG meeting!


Thank you for your response - YEA!! OUR QUERY IS STARTING TO PAY-OFF!! :-))

I assume it's OK to add you to our list of interested Rev. Users I'm compiling? 
I will keep you informed as we go along

Thanks Again, More Later and TAKE CARE,
>On Jun 6, 2005, at 08:39, Glenn E. Fisher wrote:
>>I live in the Houston, Texas area and would be interested in a say  southwest 
>>region RUG.  Any other people in this area?
>>Thanks for doing this Ralph.
>>Best regards,
>>>The list of you interested Rev. Users Groups is growing. It looks  very 
>>>promising for the Mid-Atlantic/South Eastern US region ay  this point.
>>>I expect to be in the Atlanta area (attending a Convention) July  20th-23nd. 
>>>I would like to hear from anyone who might like to meet  informally to 
>>>discuss RUGs and/or any future Rev. Users gatherings.
>>>Also I'd like to hear from anyone else interested in Rev. User  Groups and 
>>>or Rev. Users gatherings. I can serve as a focal point  for "RUGs/USA" 
>>>Please feel free to contact me off-list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you  prefer,
>>>More Later and TAKE CARE,
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