On Jun 8, 2005, at 3:03 PM, Dennis Brown wrote:

Yes, you see my problem exactly. It is the target that returns the name of my field, but the group name is left off which is bad for me because I have the same name repeated in many differently named groups. I have groups of fields and buttons that are created from templates on the fly, along with many saved values for each (in custom properties). These are related to various setup conditions for running simulations. I obviously want the minimum scripts in the duplicates, and most of the script in a common place where changes are manageable.

I am already using a script that pass the name and group to the handler, but I wanted to make it even simpler and just call the routine without generating a parameter to pass.

This is a problem that I have in making custom controls.

The simplest thing to do is pass 'the long id of me' and use that to get the owner and siblings.

This deserves a new feature suggestion. Changing 'the target' might break some code. Adding idiomatic meaning to 'the long id of the target' might be confusing. Maybe 'the target' can be an object whose text meaning is what it is now, but will work with 'the long id of'. The same with 'the owner of'. That is, 'the target' and 'the owner of' are objects. I might be confused as to what is happening.


    DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
    Programming and software

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