On Jun 23, 2005, at 3:03 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

So, we are stuck... mmm. I guess i'll have to implement a work around to preserve the long file names in some custom prop, field or global, truncate the file name on disk... reset the player to the truncated file name... all on the fly, when the transcriber finishes work, restore the file to it's original name.. export the matching .xml file (of the transcript and metadata from the discourse) with the long name... all doable, wish me luck!

Truncating and then restoring the file name might leave the name shortened on a crash or other abnormal exit, unless you do something special.

Perhaps you can use a custom prop on the player and use that in all cases. The setProp handler can then check for name size and do whatever is needed. That might be creating an alias, copying the file, or (as you mentioned) shortening the name. It can also do whatever is needed to clean up after the old name. Quitting need do something simple, such as setting the custom property to empty.

(I have no idea whether an alias will really work for a player.)


    DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
    Programming and software

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