Hi Ti, Jacque and Chris,

I haven't done any new development with HC since years but I reopen it often to get some old recipes in my huge lib.
I made some experiments running 10.4.1.
I have to add (according to Jacque and Chris comments) that HC is located on a non-startup disk dedicated to Classic only. I experimented that script editing works fine, start using and third party tools as windowScript too. The only problem I found (but I did not search very deep :-) is that if new folder filepaths are well stored in the home stack (as they have to be according to user navigation) they obviously can't be used by the engine to open without dialog the stacks which are NOT in the same folder than HC itself. This affects mainly the navigation buttons located on the home stack but can't be a real problem for any project :-)

Le 27 juin 05 à 23:18, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

I don't run Tiger, but this is what I have heard:

Under Tiger, the global file paths which are stored in the Home stack are no longer recognized. If your stacks depend on the Home stack globals, they break.

You can't open the script of the Home stack from within the Home stack. You can open it remotely, however (i.e., from some other stack, "edit script of stack Home" in the message box.)

Some report that you cannot edit ANY stack script from within that stack; they must all be accessed remotely as above.

Some report that Tiger 10.4.1 fixes the file path problems. Others say it doesn't.

Some report that running HC off a non-startup volume fixes things. Others say it doesn't.

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
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