
Sunday, October 16, 2005, 6:27:04 PM, you wrote:

> One of the great things about Forth was the overhead of just a few
> machine language instructions to execute a high level function call.

Yep - it's hard to beat an indirect stack pop for speed.

> Transcript seems to require a trip around the world to jump next  
> door.  For GUI speed stuff, it would not be a problem, but for my  
> array crunching stuff, I am stuck writing everything in one handler
> to keep the speed up.  The convenience of having an environment like
> that would be very tempting to use for whatever could stand the  
> overhead --and that might be quit a lot of applications.

Well, the Forth kernel doesn't take up much space - there are a few
implementations in C available - it might be fun to throw one of the
embedded forths into an external library, but I expect you could count
the interested target group on one finger.

-Mark Wieder

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