On Dec 14, 2005, at 2:51 PM, Devin Asay wrote:

A small request. Could we avoid casual references to Deity in subject lines? For some of us it grates on the ears (well, ok-- eyes). Call me old fashioned. :-)

Yes, I feel the same way about that --and any kind of off color expletive for that matter --even if some letters are ### out, but not enough to keep from reading it. In spoken language, one may not be able to catch themselves from blurting out off color punctuation from habit. However, when writing, it is a conscious intent to put it in. I find it in poor taste and reflecting badly on the author. That withstanding, most swear words, are real words with real definitions. I don't mind it when someone uses one of those words correctly in a sentence with the intended meaning.

But hey, that is just me.

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