
Originally, the thread started with the concept to let users have the option of installing their applications on a portable drive, not necessarily make it the default.

Most apps allow users to save data anywhere they like, including usb drives, fileservers, webservers, local disks, etc. So I'm not sure Ken's 'secret shuffleboard techniques guidebook' may stay secret for long!


sims wrote:
At 8:28 AM -0500 1/13/06, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

Safe Portable App-ing

Would using the 'Portable Apps' with a flash drive (whatever you wish
to call them) be a non-runner with any corporate situation?

I cannot imagine businesses being very enthusiastic about the
possibility of employees being able to copy data and leaving the
office with that data (credit card info, health info, guided missile
blueprints, Ken Ray's 'secret shuffleboard techniques guidebook', ;-)  ).

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