On Mar 17, 2006, at 6:32 PM, Dick Kriesel wrote:

On 3/17/06 2:24 PM, "Mark Talluto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One things is for sure, I owe each of you a drink of your choice at the RevCon
in Monterey this year.

With positive reinforcement like that, I'll do even better:

on mouseUp
  drawAstig 50,200,225,2
end mouseUp

on drawAstig pSpokeRadiusInner,pSpokeRadiusOuter,pLabelRadius,pLineSize
  go url "http://home.infostations.net/jhurley/StopTurtles.rev";
  start using stack "stopTurtles" -- note: thanks, Jim Hurley
  create stack
  set the width of it to 600
  set the height of it to 600
  go to it
  lock screen
  set the textSize of the templateField to 16
  set the margins of the templateField to 1,7,0,0
  setH 75 -- note: set heading
  repeat with i = 1 to 24
    forward pSpokeRadiusInner
    forward pSpokeRadiusOuter - pSpokeRadiusInner
    if i mod 2 = 0 then
      forward pLabelRadius - pSpokeRadiusOuter
      label i div 2
      set the width of last field to the formattedWidth of last field
set the height of last field to the formattedHeight of last field
      back pLabelRadius
      back pSpokeRadiusOuter
    end if
    right 15
  end repeat
  set the lineSize of last graphic to pLineSize
  unlock screen
end drawAstig

RevConWest is sounding better and better...

I hope this means you are coming. Thanks for taking another stab at this. Looks like Jim Hurley's turtle graphics has gotten a hold of you as well. I have been playing with all the solutions and have learned a lot from each. Thanks again and the drink still stands!

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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