
A passing suggestion: Try Ubuntu 6.0.6 LTS. It now has installers for proprietary/'non-free' gfx card drivers, which used to be a bugbear withe some distros.
If you're looking for a little more eye candy then try Kubuntu.
All fits on one CD, and the Synaptic Package Manager is a breeze to use, although for the gfx drivers I used Envy from the terminal (Install Envy via Synaptic, logout, do a Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a terminal login. Login, run envy. Does ATI and Nvidia).
Running sweet on a 2 year old Dell.



On 2 Mar 2007, at 19:39, Richard Gaskin wrote:

J. Landman Gay wrote:
Ken Ray wrote:
I'd figure it's more like 4-5 years at least - according to reviews and personal experience, Vista just doesn't have enough going for it to make people upgrade. New computers, of course, will come with Vista by default, but existing XP computers may not be upgraded to Vista for a long time.
Not only that, but I've talked to several people who say they will refuse to install Vista for any reason because of its draconian DRM scheme. One guy told me, "Why should I do an expensive upgrade that will just limit the way I can use my computer?"
I expect the uptake will be slower than usual.

It's tragic for the entire computing world that the Linux community can't get its collective act together. It can and should replace Windows, but with such a dizzying variety of distros most users just walk.

Some day, some day....

And when that day happens, when the Linux community standardizes on one distro universally regarded as THE consumer distro, Linux will take half of Microsoft's market share in under five years.

But with all of the attitudes preciousness surrounding each of the Linux distros, I can't begin to guess when that day will come.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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