You can count on it!

Thanks for the suggestion.

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 4, 2007, at 10:44 AM, Bob Warren wrote:

Joe Wilkins wrote:
Thanks for your perspective. Way back in the 80s, when M$ was still

doing their DOS thing and Windows was just beginning to emerge as its replacement, I predicted that there would one day be three systems that would dominate the computer world. I believed that Macintosh would be on top of the mountain, that something that the DOS people were contriving and a third whose origin I knew would happen, but hadn't the slightest idea what it would be, would constitute this triumvirate. Of course, the Mac people made some really bad marketing decisions that allowed Gates to claw his way to the top of the heap. My vision of things can still come to pass, baring some more bad decisions, seeing as how the 800 lb. gorilla seems to be in the process of shooting itself in the foot. With a few more countries doing as Brazil has done, and Linux may eventually either challenge or replace Windows. Since Apple has seen fit to make their hardware Linux friendly, this whole thing can really happen - to my delight.

I just hope I live to see that come to pass. (smile)

Brazil has always been something of an enigma in the eyes of most of us here in the States. It's probably one of the places I'd like to visit one day, having lived in Colombia for a few many years ago. Thanks for being part of this RevList. We appreciate your input.

What a thoroughly nice reply. Thank you very much Joe.
If you do manage to visit Brazil one day, come to Santa Catarina Island (Florianopolis). You'll never regret it.

Best regards,

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