
I hate to keep the thread going, but what was the objection to using a shell call? You can easily get a directory listing with filters and even hide the shell window ... might be faster than the other approaches if you're talking about a huge list of "the detailed files." And, instead of calling it once every iteration of a loop, you could do a "dir /s" to grab a whole tree and then process it with Rev's chunk expressions before you start looping.

- Bill

"John Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, Stephen. I'm very comfortable with rev. It became my 'weapon of choice' very quickly once I discovered it.

economic: using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness

One example is needing the size of a file in a folder of thousands. Creating the output generated by 'the files' is not economical in this case. However, as discussed in the thread, the same output can facilitate a speedy routine if the entire output is required. Both have merit. I had already 'rolled my own' as I didn't see another option, but wondered if there was another way I hadn't discovered - hence the original post.

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