Devin Asay wrote:
I've run into an interesting problem in a small demo stack I'm working on. I am creating an interactive labeled picture in which a label field appears when the user mouses over an object in a photograph. I use a filled, partially transparent irregular polygon graphic to define the outline of the object in the photo I want to label. The label field overlaps the graphic object (this detail is important.) I use a script like this on the card to control the hiding and showing of the label field:

on mouseEnter
  if the name of the target contains "graphic" then show fld "myLabel"
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
  if the name of the target contains "graphic" then hide fld "myLabel"
end mouseLeave

Pretty straightforward. Now consider this sequence of events:

mouse enters graphic --> field is shown
mouse leaves graphic --> field is hidden

No problems. But this is what happens when the mouse enters the graphic, then, without leaving the graphic, enters the now visible field:

mouse enters graphic --> field is shown
mouse enters field --> since mouse is over field, it has left the graphic, so
  mouse has left graphic --> field is hidden
  mouse has entered graphic again --> field is shown
  mouse has left graphic --> field is hidden
  mouse has entered graphic again --> field is shown
  ... [ad infinitum]

This resultant "fluttering" of the field only stops after the mouse has been moved out of the graphic and enough time has elapsed so that all of the queued mouseLeave/mouseEnter events have run through.

go stack url ""; --to see a demonstration

I understand why this happens, and it seems consistent with the engine logic, so I'm not inclined to call it a bug. On the other hand, when uncontrolled "thrashing" of messages like this happens, it feels like a bug.

What do you all think? Should I report it as a bug? Is there an obvious workaround that I'm missing? (FlushEvents has no effect on these messages.) Insights appreciated.


on mouseLeave
 if the name of the target contains "graphic" then
  lock messages
  hide fld "myLabel"
 end if
end mouseLeave

I'm not sure it's a bug though I agree it probably feels like one.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |
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