
Sounds as if the same sort of thing is occuring as when we call multiple beeps and only hear one unless we build in a delay. Why not try playing several from the message box with a built in delay when one ends? I'm probably being a bit naive, but sometimes the simplest things are true. It seems obvious that speed enters the equation someway.

Joe Wilkins

On Jun 6, 2007, at 7:59 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I'm hoping someone has a clue to this:

I wrote an app for a client 3 years ago which has the ability to loop through a list of .mov files, playing one after another in sequence. The .mov files are audio-only, played via a player object, and require QuickTime. In the Rev version I compiled it with, there was a bug where a playStopped message was not sent at the end of playback, so to work around that the script gets the currentTime, checks every 250 milliseconds, and when the currentTime remains unchanged, assumes the playback is done. Then it moves on to the next file.

This has been working fine on both Mac and Windows machines for several hundred customers over the last 3 years until today, when one customer says there is a playback problem. She's running XP Pro on a fast machine with lots of RAM. When she chooses to play a sequence, it loops through them all very fast, with no playback of any kind, until it hits the last one in the list which it then plays. It almost sounds like it isn't loading the .mov files.

The thing is, she can play each file fine by manually choosing it from a list, so the problem isn't with missing or bad files. They only fail when played in a sequence. And it only fails for her.

She installed the program on her husband's XP machine and it works fine there. The only difference she can think of between the two is that he has the free version of QuickTime and she has QuickTime Pro. I'm not sure this matters, since the files all play okay individually and, as I understand it, the QT framework is identical.

Any ideas what would stop playback on that one, single machine?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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