On Jul 16, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

 Efficiency studies have shown that
for every square inch of desktop
space you give your staff, you save that many
hand-to-mouse window resizing and moving operations,
with significant productivity gains: it's about
window space. They have done video's over people's
shoulders and on small screen the amt of time just spent
"playing with your windows" sometimes approaches 20%+
of the total man hours over a month's time.

Others here think I'm kidding, but I could-would actually
use all the space on another 30 monitor if I had one.

I know what you mean! I have two 20" monitors and there's never enough room! I couldn't live without CodeTek Virtual Desktop Pro. It allows you to have up to 100 "desktops", and provides a "pager" window that shows all your application windows on their desktops and lets you move the miniature windows around to make the actual windows fly across the monitors. MacOS 10.4.6 broke VDP and I wanted to give up coding because I so dislike delving through layers and layers of windows. VDP worked again with 10.4.7—so I sat back down at the computer again with all my applications in their proper places and my windows where they belong.

Evidently, the next MacOS will have something similar built in.


Tereza Snyder
Califex Software, Inc.

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