Hi Mark,

A big-endian (motorola) unicode character will be in the form : msb lsb, so if the character falls within the ascii range, say "A", then it will be <numToChar(65) numToChar(0)>.

If it's in little-endian (intel) format, the same char will be <numToChar(0) numToChar(65)>.

Unidecode simply removes the most significant byte of each unicode char/pair, so on Intel, thats the second byte, and on motorola that's the first byte.

Yep, that's what I read in the docs.

But the docs also read:
"The ability to handle double-byte characters on "little-endian" processors was added in version 2.0. In previous versions, the uniDecode function always removed the second byte of each pair of bytes, regardless of platform."

This gives me the impression that the function itself will take care of the differences between the processors -> "...regardless of platform"!
Maybe I am wrong?

So the upshot is that if your data is big-endian (motorola), then to work with unidecode on intel, you'll need to swap each pair of bytes.

function swapBytes pString
  repeat with n = 1 to length(pString) - 1 step 2
    put char n+1 of pString & char n of pString after swappedString
  end repeat
  return swappedString
end swapBytes

Thanks a lot, will try this (well maybe... ;-)

I'm hoping that we'll get a complete revamp of Revs unicode handling, one of these days, but we're stuck with this sort of thing for now. :(



Regards from germany

Klaus Major

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