Brilliant paper, Andre!

Since you are fast becoming one of the leading authorities on connecting things Rev and the Web, shouldn't it be you, Andre, that does what Jerry Daniels and Chipp Walters have done: Made a product so important, unique and compelling that Revolution, Inc. would have no choice but to buy it and eventually integrate or bundle it into their product?

Or if you set up a project fund method, whatever. I'd pay good money for such a product.

It appears you've done tons of reading, research and practical applications. We who've met you know what an intense amount of energy and knowledge you have so... congratulations.. perhaps this is a 'killer app' for you.

Web Safe elements!! Web Safe Code.  Great idea.

What we need is a new tools palette with WEB ELEMENTS and a converter
plugin. This plugin would know how to convert those elements to the web.
Then Revolution becomes like Apple Interface Builder, you have a set of
palettes to build an interface that can be accessed later by your web
application. Instead of trying to convert a stack app to the web, we begin
from the start building a web application using web safe elements and web
safe code. This can be created inside revolution right now, it just take
time and effort.

This web safe environment would have conventions like "stack script" goes to
server side component, "card script" goes to UI Logic component. The stack
controls disposition is converted to CSS using absolute positioning. We
don't even need the build-upload-debug cycle, we can keep testing all this
at runtime by a combination of RevBrowser and RevHTTP inside the IDE.

This is easier shown than explained. I'll build something to show in the
next two days...


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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