Without knowing the cause of the issue, it's hard to tell what are the correct steps to recover from it. I would recommend you have a look at the logs and figure out what was the cause of the issue, and then make a recovery plan and also put preventive measure in place to stop it from happening again.

Also, I'm not comfortable with the idea of manually creating data directories for Cassandra unless I know the system well, as this may lead to filesystem ownership and permission issues. The involvement of security tools like AppArmor or SELinux may make it even more complicated.

On 18/01/2024 15:46, ENES ATABERK wrote:

ok thank you!

What do you think about the following approach:

 1.  creating empty correct table id directories in linux filesystem
    with respect to the system_schema.tables id column
 2. importing data with nodetool import from incorrect directory
 3. removing the incorrect directory afterwards

*From:* Bowen Song via user <user@cassandra.apache.org>
*Sent:* Thursday, January 18, 2024 5:34:57 PM
*To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
*Cc:* Bowen Song
*Subject:* COMMERCIAL:Re: COMMERCIAL:Re: COMMERCIAL:Re: system_schema.tables id and table uuid on disk mismatch

I know dropping a table and then creating a new table with the same name can lead to that result, which is expected. If that wasn't what happened, it may be a bug in Cassandra. If you can reproduce the behaviour, you should raise a Jira ticket for it.

On 18/01/2024 14:44, ENES ATABERK wrote:

It has same mismatch id in all nodes not just one node.

*From:* Bowen Song via user <user@cassandra.apache.org>
*Sent:* Thursday, January 18, 2024 3:18:11 PM
*To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
*Cc:* Bowen Song
*Subject:* COMMERCIAL:Re: COMMERCIAL:Re: system_schema.tables id and table uuid on disk mismatch

Was the table ID mismatching only on one node or all nodes? Mismatching on one node is usually the result of a racing condition, but on all nodes isn't. The solution I mentioned earlier only applies to the one node situation.

On 18/01/2024 13:14, ENES ATABERK wrote:

Hi all,

Thanks for your responses.

The version is Cassandra 4.1.3

After I restarted all the nodes one-by-one cassandra created corrected-id folder and keep the incorrect one as you said.

But then I cannot see the data from cqlsh it gives me no result. After i have imported the data from incorrect-id-folder i see the data

nodetool import keyspace_name table_name /full_path_of_old(incorrect)_folder.

now my questions are like:

First question; before i have restarted the nodes how can i search the data although there is a mismatch between system_schema.tables and actual directories in all nodes.

Second one; is nodetool import a safe way to load data from incorrect folder on a write heavy system. Because I cannot be sure if I miss any data during the import operation. Or do i need to run a repair for those tables instead of import? In my opinion that may not work because i cannot see any data before nodetool import.

Thanks again.

*From:* Bowen Song via user <user@cassandra.apache.org>
*Sent:* Thursday, January 18, 2024 1:17:11 PM
*To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
*Cc:* Bowen Song
*Subject:* COMMERCIAL:Re: system_schema.tables id and table uuid on disk mismatch

It sounds like you have done some concurrent table creation/deletion in the past (e.g. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS from multiple clients), which resulted in this mismatch. After you restarted the node, Cassandra corrected it by discarding the old table ID and any data associated with it. This is the expected behaviour. This issue has already been fixed, and you can safely delete the data directory with the incorrect table ID as it is no longer used by Cassandra. You should now run a full repair on this node to ensure it has all the data it owns. If you are /absolutely/ certain that the table with different IDs have identical schema, and the gc_grace_seconds hasn't past, you may move the data from the wrong data directory to the correct data directory, and then restart the node or run "nodetool refresh <keyspace> <table>" on the node before running the full repair, this may save you some streaming time. However, if the table schema is different, this may cause a havoc.

On 18/01/2024 05:21, ENES ATABERK wrote:

Hi all,

we have detected that table-uuid in linux file directory is different from system_schema.tables id.

I have executed nodetool describe cluster and see only one schema version in the cluster.

How we can fix this issue do anyone has any idea? Restarting the nodes only create a new empty directory with name system_schema.tables id directory but in this case i have two directories old one has sstables with incorrect uuid new one has correct uuid but empty.

thanks in advance


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