Hey Chris - this looks pretty interesting!  It looks like there's a lot of
functionality in here.

* What aspects of Mission Control are dependent on using K8ssandra?
* Can Mission Control work without K8ssandra?
* Is mission control open source?
* I'm not familiar with Vector - does it require an agent?
* Is Reaper deployed separately or integrated in?

Thanks!  Looking forward to trying this out.

On Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 7:07 AM Christopher Bradford <bradfor...@gmail.com>

> Hey C* folks,
> I'm excited to share that the DataStax team has just released Mission
> Control <https://datastax.com/products/mission-control>, a new operations
> platform for running Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise. Built around
> the open source core of K8ssandra <https://k8ssandra.io/> we've been hard
> at work expanding multi-region capabilities. If you haven't seen some of
> the new features coming in here are some highlights:
>    -
>    Management API support in Reaper - no more JMX credentials, YAY
>    -
>    Additional support for TLS across the stack- including operator to
>    node, Reaper to management API, etc
>    -
>    Updated metrics pipeline - removal of collectd from nodes, Vector for
>    monitoring log files (goodbye tail -f)
>    -
>    Deterministic node selection for cluster operations
>    -
>    Top-level management tasks in the control plane (no more forced
>    connections to data planes to trigger a restart)
> On top of this Mission Control offers:
>    -
>    A single web-interface to monitor and manage your clusters wherever
>    they're deployed
>    -
>    Automatic management of internode and operator to node certificates -
>    this includes integration with third party CAs and rotation of all
>    certificates, keys, and various Java stores
>    -
>    Centralized metrics and logs aggregation, querying and storage with
>    the capability to split the pipeline allowing for exporting of streams to
>    other observability tools within your environment
>    -
>    Per-node configuration (this is an edge case, but still something we
>    wanted to make possible)
> While building our Mission Control, K8ssandra has seen a number of
> releases with quite a few contributions from the community. From Helm chart
> updates to operator tweaks we want to send out a huge THANK YOU to everyone
> who has filed issues, opened pull requests, and helped us test bugfixes and
> new functionality.
> If you've been sleeping on K8ssandra, now is a good time to check it out
> <https://k8ssandra.io/get-started/>. It has all of the pieces needed to
> run Cassandra in production. Looking for something out of the box instead
> of putting the pieces together yourself, take Mission Control for a spin
> and sign up for the trial
> <https://datastax.com/products/mission-control/download>. I'm happy to
> answer any K8ssandra or Mission Control questions you may have here or on
> our Discord <https://discord.gg/qP5tAt6Uwt>.
> Cheers,
> ~Chris
> Christopher Bradford

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