I have attached the sqlmap and xml file with all the sql statements along
this mail.

On 12/18/06, Larry Meadors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can you post your configuration (database and sqlmap)?


On 12/18/06, Ashish Kulkarni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
>  We have a web application running in websphere, and for a while we are
> seeing some hung threads in websphere,
>  do we did some java dump as insturcted by IBM and we are seeing some of
> following messages in the dump.
>  In our java program before calling SQL statemenet we do the following
>  SqlMapClient client =// get connection client from servlet context
>  client.setUserConnection(conn);
>  // do furthr processing of calling SQL statements.
>  I am not sure if this is the issue, but this is the messsage in the
>    com.ibatis.common.util.Throttle.increment seems to be
> currently executing on
>               11 servlet threads.
>           Since 100% (11 out of 11) of the threads doing servlet work
> to be
>               executing this method, it would seem that there
>               is some possibility that this method and its call path
>               may warrant investigation.
>           Servlets affected:
>              com.pfizer.maps.servlet.MapsBaseServlet [11
> occurrances]
>           Callers (servlet threads only):
>              com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run [5]
> com.pfizer.maps.data.planning.GetPlanningData.getTotalData
> [2]
> com.pfizer.maps.data.planning.GetProductionData.getTotalData
> [2]
> com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.srp.ServletRequestProcessor.dispatchByURI
> [1]
> com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServicingServletState.service
> [1]
>  This is ibaits version
>  Implementation-Title: iBatis sql map
>  Implementation-Version: 2.1.5 build# 582
>  Can anyone explain what this is, and how can we fix this
>  Ashish

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig PUBLIC "-//iBATIS.com//DTD SQL Map Config 2.0//EN" "http://www.ibatis.com/dtd/sql-map-config-2.dtd";>



  <sqlMap resource="com/pfizer/maps/data/sqlmap/sql/Scheduling.xml"/>
    <!-- <sqlMap resource="com/pfizer/maps/data/sqlmap/sql/sop.xml"/>-->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-//iBATIS.com//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN" "http://www.ibatis.com/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd";>

<!-- The SQL in these maps files has purposely been typed with more verbosity than is actually required.
	For example, many of the selects could have just used SELECT * FROM... instead of listing all of the columns.
	This is to demonstrate that even complex SQL can be handled and coded and formatted the way SQL was meant
	to be (i.e. not a bunch of concatenated strings in a Java class). -->

<sqlMap namespace="Scheduling">

	<select id="selectSchedulablePhases" resultClass="java.lang.String" parameterClass="java.lang.String">
	select distinct a.l098phnu from pl1098 a, pl1083 c where a.l098llco in 
		(select Min(b.l098llco) from pl1098 b, pl1083 d where d.l083code = #value# and d.l083line = b.l098plin ) 
		and c.l083line = a.l098plin and c.l083code = #value#

	<select id="getAllFormats" resultClass="com.pfizer.maps.planning.common.data.ColorCodeClass">
		Select L081code as name, L081desc  as descrption from pl1081 order by L081code
	<select id="getItemFormat" resultClass="com.pfizer.maps.planning.common.data.ItemFormatMap" parameterClass="java.lang.String">
		select distinct L078Item, L078Atr1, L078Atr2 , L081DESC as format1Desc
		 from Pl1062, Pl1078, PL1081 where
 		l062item = L078item and l062scen =#value# and                 
		(L078Atr1 <![CDATA[<>]]> ' ' or L078Atr2 <![CDATA[<>]]> ' ') and  L078Atr1  = L081CODE		
	<select id="getItemFormatByView" resultClass="com.pfizer.maps.planning.common.data.ItemFormatMap" parameterClass="java.lang.String">
 SELECT distinct l078item, L078ATR1, L078ATR2, L078ATR3,  L081DESC as format1Desc FROM wp1004c, PL1078 , PL1083, PL1081 WHERE w4ccode = L078item
 and L083LINE = W4CLINE and L083CODE = #value# and
 (L078Atr1 <![CDATA[<>]]> ' ' or L078Atr2 <![CDATA[<>]]> ' ') and  L078Atr1  = L081CODE
	<select id="selectAllView" resultClass="com.pfizer.maps.file.planning.PL1082">
		select L082CODE, L082DESC from PL1082
	<select id="selectGotoView" resultClass="com.pfizer.maps.file.planning.PL1082">
		select L082CODE, L082DESC from PL1082 where L082CODE >= #value# 
	<select id="selectPhaseNumber" resultClass="com.pfizer.maps.planning.common.data.ColorCodeClass">
		SELECT DISTINCT L062PHNU as name, R871DESC as descrption FROM pl1062, rs1871 WHERE L062SCEN= #value# and L062PLIN
		' ' and L062PHNU = R871CODE ORDER BY L062PHNU

	<select id="selectPhaseNumberView" resultClass="com.pfizer.maps.planning.common.data.ColorCodeClass">
		SELECT DISTINCT W4CPHNO as name, R871DESC as descrption
 		FROM wp1004c, PL1083, RS1871                          
		where L083LINE =W4CLINE and L083CODE=#value#             
		and W4CPHNO = R871CODE order by W4CPHNO                
	<select id="selectAllUkeyWithEvents" resultClass="java.lang.String">
	SELECT char(W2UKEY)  FROM wp1002 , pl1083, wp1010  
WHERE W2ORDS <![CDATA[>=]]>'2' and W2ORDS  <![CDATA[<=]]> '5' and               
W2FLAG <![CDATA[<>]]> '2' and                                      
w010ord = w2ord and                                    
w010line = L083LINE  and                               
L083CODE  = #value#      


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