I'm busy converting and went to the site

What is quite a clear explanation :-)


I'm converting a project that is based on the jpetstore, what is using
org.apache.struts.beanaction.BeanAction in my struts-config.xml

The above mentioned site has got a different approach.

My question is;

a) can I still use org.apache.struts.beanaction.BeanAction? I only want to
change the DAO to Spring DAO because IBATIS DAO is depreciated

and if so

b) The BeanAction class is using

private static final TheService theService = TheService.getInstance();

to connect with the service object, what created itself static;

private static final TheService instance = new TheService();


How do I get a instance from the spring created service object?

My service object get's created by spring using the following config in

<bean id=" theService " class="com.service.TheService ">

        <constructor-arg index="0" ref="theDao"/>


And code;

public TheService (TheDao theDao){

      this.theDao = theDao;



Kind Regards





-----Original Message-----
From: Poitras Christian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 April 2007 04:25 PM
To: user-java@ibatis.apache.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: iBATIS, Spring, and transactions...


That would be a great idea!

It's always welcome to see some code to show each steps. My app is

already to big to use it direclty as an example... 




I'll check if I can provide you with my smaller app (contains only 2

actions, but it does not have any transaction).

I'll just add the insert/updates I used at first to fill database.


-----Original Message-----


Of Larry Meadors

Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2007 10:16

To: user-java@ibatis.apache.org

Subject: Re: iBATIS, Spring, and transactions...


That would be AWESOME, if you want, I can help with proofing, etc.


Maybe someone else would be willing to provide a *simple* iBATIS DAO

sample application that we could convert and then document the process.





On 4/10/07, Poitras Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have to say that it would be really nice to have an "how to" for 

> passing from iBATIS DAO to Spring DAO...

> I made a french document about that question. I could transalte it to 

> english in the next weeks and put it on the wiki...

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