Are the queries being run against the same database?
Are the connection pools set up the same on both servers?

Is your test(slower) server located somewhere else geographically?

Maybe just provide us with a bit more data.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Chris O'Connell <> wrote:

> I know that if I were to get a DBA involved, I could get some further
> details, but I'm trying to get as much information as I can before I start
> to get the bureaucracy involved...
> Anyway, I am able to log my sql and the results with no problems.  The
> issue I have is that stuff is just running so slowly on my test server.
>  When I test my code on my local development server (which is talking to a
> remote database), my 'queryForList' method takes a total of about 2.5
> seconds.  When I push the code out to my test server (more powerful
> hardware, etc.), the method takes 10 or 11 seconds.  So, I'm trying to
> figure out if the extra time is occurring on the database server or on the
> application server.
> So, I turned up all the logging and I looked at what it is spitting out at
> me.  Of course, takes a bit longer with logging turned on, but not hugely
> so.  I looked at the times of the different statements, and the 'About to
> execute SQL' log statement shows up at second 0.  The next line of the log
> file is each row of the result set. This is logged in the same 'second' as
> the line of the 'About to execute'.  The next 2000 rows in the log are each
> of the lines of the result set and it takes 9 or 10 seconds for this to
> occur.
> My question is, is this an indication of the database slowly returning the
> data, or does iBatis really get all of the data back to the application
> server by the time that first result set record is logged and it really is
> taking iBatis 10 seconds to go through data on my review server that takes 2
> seconds to go through on my dev server.
> This is a 'hierarchical' query (if that makes sense).  The data is in the
> form of product information and product attribute information.  I am using
> the iBatis 'groupBy' clause in the resultMap to tell iBatis which columns
> constitute the objects lower down on the hierarchy.  Does it makes sense
> that iBatis would take this long to process the data?  Should I look at
> writing a RowHandler to process this data?
> Thanks in advance for any comments/help,
> Chris

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