Well, let DBA optimize query, but from the iBatis side maybe it makes sense
to increase fetchSize. See e.g.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Chris O'Connell <
oconn...@gorillachicago.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the response.  I finally got the DBA involved and it looks like
> the query was executing very slowly on the server.  I don't understand
> everything that goes on in the communication between the driver and the
> database, but it looks like I was seeing those first results coming back
> because the database was sending the data over as it got it.  Since the
> query takes 11 seconds to execute, it took 11 seconds for the last row to
> get sent over.
> Chris
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Nathan Maves <nathan.ma...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Are the queries being run against the same database?
>> Are the connection pools set up the same on both servers?
>> Is your test(slower) server located somewhere else geographically?
>> Maybe just provide us with a bit more data.
>> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Chris O'Connell <
>> oconn...@gorillachicago.com> wrote:
>>> I know that if I were to get a DBA involved, I could get some further
>>> details, but I'm trying to get as much information as I can before I start
>>> to get the bureaucracy involved...
>>> Anyway, I am able to log my sql and the results with no problems.  The
>>> issue I have is that stuff is just running so slowly on my test server.
>>>  When I test my code on my local development server (which is talking to a
>>> remote database), my 'queryForList' method takes a total of about 2.5
>>> seconds.  When I push the code out to my test server (more powerful
>>> hardware, etc.), the method takes 10 or 11 seconds.  So, I'm trying to
>>> figure out if the extra time is occurring on the database server or on the
>>> application server.
>>> So, I turned up all the logging and I looked at what it is spitting out
>>> at me.  Of course, takes a bit longer with logging turned on, but not hugely
>>> so.  I looked at the times of the different statements, and the 'About to
>>> execute SQL' log statement shows up at second 0.  The next line of the log
>>> file is each row of the result set. This is logged in the same 'second' as
>>> the line of the 'About to execute'.  The next 2000 rows in the log are each
>>> of the lines of the result set and it takes 9 or 10 seconds for this to
>>> occur.
>>> My question is, is this an indication of the database slowly returning
>>> the data, or does iBatis really get all of the data back to the application
>>> server by the time that first result set record is logged and it really is
>>> taking iBatis 10 seconds to go through data on my review server that takes 2
>>> seconds to go through on my dev server.
>>> This is a 'hierarchical' query (if that makes sense).  The data is in the
>>> form of product information and product attribute information.  I am using
>>> the iBatis 'groupBy' clause in the resultMap to tell iBatis which columns
>>> constitute the objects lower down on the hierarchy.  Does it makes sense
>>> that iBatis would take this long to process the data?  Should I look at
>>> writing a RowHandler to process this data?
>>> Thanks in advance for any comments/help,
>>> Chris
> --
> --
> Chris O'Connell
> Application Developer
> Gorilla
> 312.243.8777 x19

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