DBCP from apache is perfectly fine for a DB connection pool.  In fact any
production pool will work with ibatis.  I cannot think of an application
server which does not have its own connection pool implementation.  Most are
very configurable and will work for you.

On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 4:15 PM, David Brown

> Hello IBatis java users, I have read through the SQL Maps PDF and at the
> very bottom of the document there is fairly strong language the the
> SimpleDataSource is what-it-is: Simple. I.E. not to be used in a heavy
> transaction enterprise web app. I gooled this issue and some indefinite
> answers hovering around substituing DBCP but even this was not convincing. I
> have know about DBCP for some years but never have I used this technology.
> And, I'm not in a position to use something like Weblogic as the last gig I
> was on was all Weblogic and a nightmare to configure. I am using the
> AppFuse: wicket-spring-ibatis-mysql framework and it is proving to be very
> promising. Notwithstanding, I would just like to know if anyone can say the
> SimpleDataSource can bring the house-of-cards tumbling down? What are the
> reasonable ORM commercial alternatives to the SimpleDataSource type? Please
> advise, David.

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