Hi all...
FootBall Modeling Tut. (released Monday 15/5-06, long time after promised..=(
Due to that I have had and have a life in a big mess, especially recent years,
I have put this and many other tutorials on hold.
It has made me feel bad, especially when seeing the debate on Char Anim,
in which I have worked out some workflows, that could be useful to others that want to get
going with Char Anim in RS until V6 and maybe Carlo´s Char Anim plugin comes along..
I have some of these workflows, in a roughly outlined tut on skeletons and Char Anim..
I just wish things in life could get a little easier, so I can get going with this tut, and others.
Well, after a long time, I decided to just release this FootBall Modeling Tut in its current state.
It is Complete, and also proofread and somewhat changed.
Thanks to those that helped me out and took of their valuable time to test it out and coming with suggestions !
Robert den Broeder
Garry Curtis
Frank Dodd
Due to the reasons above, I didn´t implement or change much of all the things you had come up with.
Sorry about that, I might later on edit the tut if needed, for a final touch.
But I come to it that I better now release it as it is, than it won´t be released at all.
I also can later provide some prj files, which I have, but haven´t looked through in a long time now.
These might be useful for reference.
Feel free to ask if something is unclear or if other help is needed !
Either on the mailinglist or email me directly...
Just unzip it all in one place, and keep the directory structure...
I hope it can come to any use to someone...
Good Luck !
Again.. sorry for the enormous delay...=(
Take Care
Best Regards
Stefan Gustafsson ( Beg-inner )
A Proud Owner and User of Real3D and Realsoft3D..

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