Mark Heuymans wrote:
For more infos on my future software i added a Project Status section at
the bottom of the previous text for the curious.

While further reading about renderman, I found that Realsoft has many

Please tell me if you find me annoying about my software.

Hi Jean-Sebastien,
Of course not, can't wait to try it! But I still have no clue about how it 
works, obviously you can't explain too much about it at this stage. It all 
sounds incredible...
Man, you 're making some claims, it'd better be good ;)

Good luck!

All the claims are real but strangely that does not mean it's gonna be good.
To make all that possible you nedd to think and work a little differently.
Also the user interface look is really unusual (maybe not the the taste of everyone).

I expect it to be a disapointement, then a success. You still need a modeler and a renderer.
The first users that won't use Renderman will struggle a bit, because I don't have time to create some samples scenes for pov-ray and others.

One thing that should be clear, You cannot change easily one scene from one renderer to another. It's still possible but difficult.
What you do with CombadZ is straight communication with the intended renderer.

And some infos are difficult to obtain for certain renderer : most renderer don't tell in their instruction manual what coordinate system they use for example.

The software does not install just copy the folder. In it's normal use It force the user to place their scene file to a defined folder architecture.

Just configuring CombadZ : you need tell what coordinate system you use and what is the renderer command line.
This is where most user will turn back, because that information is difficult to figure out. But maybe a year after released, some users will post these settings with the renderer.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

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