On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 9:01 PM, Jeff Kubina <jeff.kub...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the blog post, very interesting read. Some questions ...
> 1. Are the operations "Writes mutation to tablet servers’ WAL/Sync or flush
> tablet servers’ WAL" and "Adds mutations to sorted in memory map of each
> tablet." performed by threads in parallel?

Not for a batch from a client.  Each batch of mutations from a client
is processed by a single thread.   Batches from separate clients can
process in parallel.

> 2. Could the latency of hsync-ing the WALs be overcome by modifying Accumulo
> to write them to a separate SSD-only HDFS? To maintain data locality it
> would require two datanode processes (one for the HDDs and one for the SSD),
> running on the same node, which is not hard to do.

Christopher answered this.  I just wanted to mention that I have run
Accumulo on my laptop which has a SSD.  Hsync is much faster there,
like 10x faster.


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