Thank you Mike!  It’s alive!!

I’ve got 5TB showing free now (which previously was spuriously showing as 
non-DFS used).  I’ll get trash enabled tomorrow now.

The touchz approach seems to have worked, and all tables and tablets are 
showing online.  I am able to access some data, so next steps are to find out 
where we need to reingest from.  Reingestion should be the easier approach for 
us, and I can live with duplicate data.

I realise this is an RTFM kind of question, but as a novice I’d like to be sure 
I’m taking the right next steps.  What’s the best way to check the integrity of 
the system, and look for further problems?  Are there integrity checking admin 
tools I should know about?

Thank you again, and also Dave and Ivan for helping us through this!


From: Michael Wall []
Sent: 31 August 2017 14:08
Subject: Re: accumulo.metadata table online but scans hang


First step to make sure you have plenty of HDFS space.  Seems like restarting 
fixed your du bug, so hopefully you are good there.  Consider turning on HDFS 
trash as well, it can be very useful for recovery.

Second step is to get your metadata table happy.  Try the touchz for the WAL 
logs and get to a point where you can at least scan the metadata from the shell.

Next step will be to recover data.  I see 2 options.  Dave already mentioned 
one, replay all your ingest from a point in time that was known good.  That is 
probably the best way to reduce data loss.  You could also try creating a new 
table and then bulk importing all the rfiles for a given table into that new 
table.  You would want to import all rfiles referenced by the metadata and all 
rfiles you find in HDFS for that table that aren't referenced.


On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 8:17 AM Nick Wise 
Thank you Dave.  I will try the touchz approach and see what happens.

From: Dave Marion [<>]
Sent: 31 August 2017 13:12
To:<>; Nick Wise 

Subject: RE: accumulo.metadata table online but scans hang

I don't have any other options for you at this point. Seems like you have the 
necessary information to fixup the missing files and recover the system. You 
might be able to determine the timestamp of the first missing WAL file and 
replay data from that point.

> On August 31, 2017 at 5:51 AM Nick Wise 
> <<>> 
> wrote:
> It does run as the accumulo user, but sadly still no trash. I'm told that 
> this is probably because we move a lot of files in and out of HDFS for 
> ingestion, and it's a space saving thing. In hindsight I'd rather have bought 
> more disks than have lost important files!
> I can't find any reference to deleting the WAL files in the gc logs, I do see 
> lots of lines like this around the time that things went wrong though:
> 2017-08-28 19:51:02,210 [gc.GarbageCollectWriteAheadLogs] INFO : Checking 
> replication table for 
> hdfs://master01:9000/user/accumulo/accumulo/wal/node08+9997/0007bea2-bf57-44ab-b2ca-a8a924c6b3c8
> And after logs like the above for all of the referenced WAL files, lines like 
> this:
> 2017-08-28 19:51:05,775 [gc.GarbageCollectWriteAheadLogs] INFO : 1822 
> replication entries scanned in 6.83 seconds
> 2017-08-28 19:51:05,780 [gc.GarbageCollectWriteAheadLogs] INFO : 0 total logs 
> removed from 1 servers in 6.83 seconds
> 2017-08-28 19:53:05,971 [impl.ThriftTransportPool] WARN : Thread "gc" stuck 
> on IO to master02:9999 (0) for at least 120022 ms
> The only gc logging that happens after this point is startup properties print 
> outs. No further operational log messages come out.
> In terms of creating an empty table, when trying to do this it just hangs. I 
> assume this is because the metadata table is not working.
> root@instance> createtable emptytable
> 2017-08-31 10:43:57,315 [impl.ThriftTransportPool] WARN : Thread "shell" 
> stuck on IO to master01:9999 (0) for at least 120029 ms
> Are tables instance specific, or is it possible to get an empty rfile from 
> any instance? I don't suppose someone has such a file I could have..?!
> I believe it was Ivan who recommended using touchz to create an empty file in 
> place of the missing WALs, I'm assuming from the procedure to create an empty 
> table that this isn't the right thing to do, so I will hold off doing that 
> unless someone can confirm it is good enough.
> Thank you again for your help!
> -----Original Message-----
> From:<> 
> []
> Sent: 31 August 2017 00:07
> To:<>; 
> Subject: RE: accumulo.metadata table online but scans hang
> Re #2: Does your Accumulo processes run as the hdfs user on the O/S, or as 
> the accumulo user? Make sure you are checking the correct users trash folder. 
> Also, check the Accumulo garbage collector log to see if the GC process 
> deleted the WAL files. Take a look at [1] to see if you are hitting this case.
> You can create empty rfiles and copy them into place. I believe the procedure 
> to do this is to create an empty table and run a compaction on the table. 
> Then you should be able to copy the resulting file into the desired locations 
> (devs - please correct me here if this is not correct).
> Finally, I would not do anything destructive yet. Let's see if we can get 
> some other devs to chime in with some ideas.
> [1]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Wise []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 5:36 PM
> To:<>
> Subject: RE: accumulo.metadata table online but scans hang
> Thank you very much for the pointers Dave. Looking at those:
> 1. That seems reasonable, I’m not sure how to check after the fact but makes 
> sense.
> 2. Ah. Looks like we don’t have trash enabled, there’s no /user/hdfs/.Trash 
> folder that I can see. I’m getting a sinking feeling… 3. I had to allocate 4G 
> but that worked and now I have a folder listing of 758k files. I’ve cross 
> referenced with the 1101 WAL files referred to in our logs and not a single 
> one exists. Sinking some more.
> So, it sounds like (speaking from a position of ignorance) that we have a 
> system where accumulo.metadata has outstanding WAL files to recover, but the 
> files don't exist, but the only way to restore the system is to convince the 
> metadata table that it doesn't need the WAL files, but to edit the metadata 
> table we have to resolve the outstanding WAL files, etc.
> What would happen if we created an empty file in place of the missing WAL 
> files? Would they be considered to be an invalid format and break things more 
> (I'm not sure that's possible), or might they be accepted as needing no 
> further resolution?
> Any other thoughts (anyone) on how we might save ourselves, besides starting 
> from scratch? (When we first loaded our 16TB of data it took 6 weeks using 
> the map/reduce method!)
> Thank you again!
> Nick
> From: Dave Marion []
> Sent: 30 August 2017 20:13
> To:<>; Nick Wise 
> <<>>
> Subject: Re: accumulo.metadata table online but scans hang
> Some immediate thoughts:
> 1. Regarding node08 having so many files, maybe it was the last DN that had 
> free space?
> 2. Look in the trash folder for the missing referenced WAL files 3. For you 
> OOME using the HDFS CLI, I think you can increase the amount of memory that 
> the client will use with: export HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS="-Xmx1G" (or something 
> like that).
> Still digesting the rest....
> On August 30, 2017 at 2:45 PM Nick Wise 
> <> wrote:
> Disclaimer: I don’t have much experience with Accumulo or Hadoop, I’m 
> standing in because our resident expert is away on honeymoon! We’ve done a 
> great deal of reading and do not know if our situation is recoverable, so any 
> and all advice would be very welcome.
> Background:
> We are running:
> (a) Accumulo version: 1.7.0
> (b) Hadoop version: 2.7.1
> (c) Geomesa version: 1.2.1
> We have 31 nodes, 2 masters and 3 zookeepers (obviously named in the log 
> excerpts below). Nodes are both data nodes and tablet servers, masters are 
> also name nodes. Nodes have 16GB RAM, Intel Core i5 dual core CPUs, and 500GB 
> or 1TB SSD each.
> This is a production deployment where we are analysing 16TB (and growing) 
> geospatial data, with the outcomes being used daily. We have customers 
> relying on our results.
> Initial Issue:
> The non-DFS storage used in our HDFS system was falsely reporting that it was 
> using all of the free space we had available, resulting in HDFS rejecting 
> writes from a variety of places across our cluster. After research it 
> appeared that this may be as a result of a bug, and that restarting HDFS 
> services would resolve it. After restarting the HDFS services the non-DFS 
> storage used immediately returned to expected levels, but accumulo didn’t 
> seem to be responding to queries so we ran and When 
> running it timed out trying to contact the master, and did a 
> forced shutdown.
> After restarting, Accumulo listed all the tables as being online (except for 
> accumulo.replication which is offline) but none of the tables have their 
> tablets associated except for:
> (a) accumulo.metadata
> (b) accumulo.root
> All Geomesa tables are showing as online though the tablets, table sizes and 
> record counts are not showing in the web UI.
> In the logs (which are very large) there are a range of issues showing, the 
> following seeming important from our Googling.
> Log excerpts:
> 2017-08-30 14:45:06,195 [master.EventCoordinator] INFO : Marked 1 tablets as 
> unassigned because they don't have current servers
> 2017-08-30 14:45:06,195 [master.EventCoordinator] INFO : [Metadata Tablets]: 
> 2017-08-30 14:45:13,425 [master.Master] INFO : Assigning 1 tablets
> 2017-08-30 14:45:13,441 [master.EventCoordinator] INFO : [Metadata Tablets]: 
> 1 tablets are UNASSIGNED
> 2017-08-30 14:45:13,975 [master.EventCoordinator] INFO : tablet !0<;~ was 
> loaded on node03:9997
> An Accumulo meta data node is offline. In the accumulo master log file we see 
> that there are 1101 WALs associated with a node (node08) that are linked to 
> tablet !0<~. Below are 2 instances of the message we get in the logs, which 
> repeat over and over, and there are 1101 of them per repeat. We’re not sure 
> why there are 1101 WALs for the one node, but we assume that this is the main 
> cause of our problem.
> 2017-08-30 15:20:29,094 [conf.AccumuloConfiguration] INFO : Loaded class : 
> org.apache.accumulo.server.master.recovery.HadoopLogCloser
> 2017-08-30 15:20:29,094 [recovery.RecoveryManager] INFO : Starting recovery 
> of 
> hdfs://master01:9000/user/accumulo/accumulo/wal/node08+9997/fed84709-3d3b-45b0-8b77-020a71762b09
>  (in : 300s), tablet !0;~< holds a reference
> 2017-08-30 15:20:29,142 [conf.AccumuloConfiguration] INFO : Loaded class : 
> org.apache.accumulo.server.master.recovery.HadoopLogCloser
> 2017-08-30 15:20:29,142 [recovery.RecoveryManager] INFO : Starting recovery 
> of 
> hdfs://master01:9000/user/accumulo/accumulo/wal/node08+9997/ffc115dd-f094-443f-a98f-8e670fb2a924
>  (in : 300s), tablet !0;~< holds a reference
> 2017-08-30 15:20:45,457 [replication.WorkMaker] INFO : Replication table is 
> not yet online
> Any query of the meta data table hangs, such as those recommended here: 
> We are assuming that the above inability to recover the WALs is preventing 
> use of the metadata table, even though it reports as being online.
> Running:
> (a)
> ./hdfs dfs -du -s -h 
> hdfs://master01:9000/user/accumulo/accumulo/wal/node08+9997/ returns:
> 1.1 G hdfs://master01:9000/user/accumulo/accumulo/wal/node08+9997
> (b)
> ./hdfs dfs -count -h 
> hdfs://master01:9000/user/accumulo/accumulo/wal/node08+9997/ returns:
> 1 785.1 K 1.1 G hdfs://master01:9000/user/accumulo/accumulo/wal/node08+9997
> (c)
> ./hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://master01:9000/user/accumulo/accumulo/wal/node08+9997/ 
> returns:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
> at java.lang.String.substring(
> at$Parser.substring(
> at$Parser.parse(
> at<init>(
> at org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path.<init>(
> at org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path.<init>(
> at 
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsFileStatus.getFullPath(
> at 
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsFileStatus.makeQualified(
> at 
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.listStatusInternal(
> at 
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.access$700(
> at 
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem$18.doCall(
> at 
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem$18.doCall(
> at 
> org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystemLinkResolver.resolve(
> at 
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.listStatus(
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FsShell.main(
> (d)
> We have validated that the file permissions on the Accumulo tables are 
> correct.
> We don’t understand why each of the 31 nodes that have WALs under 
> hdfs://master01:9000/user/accumulo/accumulo/wal/ each have only a single WAL 
> file within, yet for node08 there are 785,100 files. Also, for a random 
> sample of the 1101 WAL files mentioned in the logs referred to above, none of 
> them seem to be in the folder (hdfs dfs -l reports file not found for all of 
> the files we tried).
> Judging from the notes under “Advanced System Recovery” in the manual, we’re 
> stuck because it suggests editing the metadata table to drop the WALs and, 
> with data loss, get the system back online. As the problems appear to be with 
> the metadata table, and HDFS is reporting healthy with no corruption, we 
> don’t see how to proceed.
> We have many large log files, which I’m happy to email separately if it helps.
> Any suggestions as to what we might do to get back online?
> Thank you very much,
> Nick
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