I tried the IP address (a 192 number) but the same result--no 9997.  Using
said IP I can access from either the host or from within the guest.

So far nothing works in master/slaves except localhost.

I gather this is supposed to work correct?

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 5:16 PM, Edward Gleeck <edr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You wouldn't want the on your /etc/hosts as this wouldn't be
> valid. I don't recall exactly which configuration file under
> $ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR you would want this in as Josh pointed out, but if you
> were to go the /etc/host route, you want to put the IP address of that
> interface VM host. for example /etc/hosts:
> localhost localhost.localdomain
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 4:13 PM, Geoffry Roberts <threadedb...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I gave your suggestion a try.  I made an entry in /etc/hosts that
>> resolves to then set that name in master and slaves.  (I am running
>> single node for now.). The upshot is port 9997 does not appear as listening
>> at all.  If I change back to localhost, then it appears again.   My guess
>> is the tablet server only starts when it's port is localhost.
>> Am I using Accumulo correctly?  Is it not designed to be accessed
>> remotely?
>> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 2:20 PM, Josh Elser <josh.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Accumulo chooses the network interface to bind given the resolution of
>>> the hostname that you provide in the "hosts" files in ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR.
>>> If you have "localhost" (the default) still in the files (e.g. masters,
>>> slaves), this presumably resolves to which will result in
>>> Accumulo not accepting connections from your VM's network adapter.
>>> A quick hack would be to put "" in those files instead of
>>> "localhost". I think the Accumulo scripts only have the ability to override
>>> the bound interface for the Monitor, not all processes, to be You
>>> could also use a hostname you define in /etc/hosts that binds to the proper
>>> interface instead (which would be a bit more like reality).
>>> On 11/8/17 10:43 AM, Geoffry Roberts wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> I have used Accumulo before, but a few versions ago (1.5.1), maybe
>>>> something has changed.  Also, I've never before run it in a VM.
>>>> I am running Accumulo from withn a VM and attempting to connect from
>>>> without.  I am getting a complaint regarding port 9997, which, within the
>>>> VM, is listening on <>.
>>>> Apparently, I need to get it onto <>.
>>>> Am I correct?
>>>> Hadoop 2.6.2
>>>> Zookeeper 3.4.10
>>>> Accumulo 1.8.1
>>>> Thrift 0.10.0
>>>> Ubuntu 16.04 as a VBox guest
>>>> OSX 10.12.06 as the host
>>>> The HAZ is running on the VM.  From the CLI I can connect with the
>>>> Zookeeper client and the Accumulo client.
>>>> I have ports 22, 50070, 50075, 2181, 9995, and 9997 forwarded.
>>>>  From the host, I can browse the Hadoop and Accumulo web pages.  I can
>>>> also connect using the Zookeeper client.  When I try to connect from Java,
>>>>  I am getting a successful connect to 2181, but it complains about port
>>>> 9997.
>>>> The VM is showing all forwarded ports as listening on <
>>>>>:<port> except for <>.
>>>> As best I can tell Thrift needs the port.
>>>> My connect code:
>>>> String instance= properties.getProperty(ACCUMULO_INSTANCE);
>>>> String uri = properties.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_URI);
>>>> Instance inst = new ZooKeeperInstance(instance, uri);
>>>> String user = properties.getProperty(USER);
>>>> String password = properties.getProperty(PASSWORD);
>>>> AuthenticationToken token = new PasswordToken(password);
>>>> conn = inst.getConnector(user, token);
>>>> Errors from Java:
>>>> 2017-11-08 09:50:55 INFO  ZooKeeper:438 - Initiating client connection,
>>>> connectString= <>
>>>> sessionTimeout=30000 watcher=org.apache.accumulo.fa
>>>> te.zookeeper.ZooSession$ZooWatcher@4b013c76
>>>> 2017-11-08 09:50:55 INFO  ClientCnxn:1032 - Opening socket connection
>>>> to server <
>>>>>. Will not attempt to
>>>> authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
>>>> 2017-11-08 09:50:55 INFO  ClientCnxn:876 - Socket connection
>>>> established to <
>>>>>, initiating session
>>>> 2017-11-08 09:50:55 INFO  ClientCnxn:1299 - Session establishment
>>>> complete on server <
>>>>>, sessionid =
>>>> 0x15f9c185f8e0006, negotiated timeout = 30000
>>>> 2017-11-08 09:50:58 WARN  ThriftTransportPool:539 - Server
>>>> localhost:9997 (120000) had 20 failures in a short time period, will not
>>>> complain anymore
>>>> ...
>>>> It then continues to try to connect to no avail.
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> --
>>>> There are ways and there are ways,
>>>> Geoffry Roberts
>> --
>> There are ways and there are ways,
>> Geoffry Roberts

There are ways and there are ways,

Geoffry Roberts

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