+1 to Christopher's assessment of the JAVA_HOME issue.

A bit more color if you find it interesting: Accumulo tends to do a bit of SSH'ing in starting up processes (this has gotten better in the 1.8 or 2.0 scripts). As such, it's a best-practice to explicitly set environment variables you need in accumulo-env.sh.

On 11/9/17 11:52 AM, Christopher wrote:
So, Accumulo TServers publish their hostname from their config into the Accumulo metadata. So, yes, this hostname must be reachable by clients as well, because that's how clients will identify it in the Accumulo metadata.

I'm not sure what the deal was with the JAVA_HOME variable. It's probably one of the launch scripts which ssh'd to the hostname in the config to start the tserver. When it's set to localhost, it probably doesn't ssh, but just starts it directly. My guess is that .profile is not read when ssh'ing because it's not creating a logon session and instead just executing the given command. You could try putting it in .bashrc instead (assuming your default shell is bash).

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 11:42 AM Geoffry Roberts <threadedb...@gmail.com <mailto:threadedb...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    Muchas gracias for the help.

    When I had masters/slaves populated with "localhost", 9997 was
    listening but not remotely.  When I had m/s populated with the IP
    address,  9997 was not listening and the log said JAVA_HOME was not
    set and that I should set it in accumulo-env.sh.  I did that and
    9997 began listening remotely and was accessible.  Let us then,
    declare victory.

    Two points, however, I should like to pass along:

     1. Why the problem with JAVA_HOME?  I have JAVA_HOME set in
        .profile.  When m/s is "localhost" no problem; but when
        "hostname" (from /etc/hosts), big problem.
     2. Before I could get my remote client to connect, I had to make a
        mirror entry in the host's /etc/hosts file.  i.e. Both host and
        guest machines needed the same entry.  This is because the
        client tries to work with the name from the guest's /etc/hosts
and not the IP.
    Anyhow, I am off to the races with Accumulo.

    On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 5:49 PM, Edward Gleeck <edr...@gmail.com
    <mailto:edr...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Yep should work. would suggest checking the logs at this point
        to see  what’s causing the failure.  If it’s not starting up
        there would be exceptions thrown by the service.

        On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 5:36 PM Geoffry Roberts
        <threadedb...@gmail.com <mailto:threadedb...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            I tried the IP address (a 192 number) but the same
            result--no 9997.  Using said IP I can access from either the
            host or from within the guest.

            So far nothing works in master/slaves except localhost.

            I gather this is supposed to work correct?

            On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 5:16 PM, Edward Gleeck
            <edr...@gmail.com <mailto:edr...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                You wouldn't want the on your /etc/hosts as this
                wouldn't be valid. I don't recall exactly which
                configuration file under $ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR you would
                want this in as Josh pointed out, but if you were to go
                the /etc/host route, you want to put the IP address of
                that interface VM host. for example /etc/hosts:

       localhost localhost.localdomain


                On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 4:13 PM, Geoffry Roberts
                <threadedb...@gmail.com <mailto:threadedb...@gmail.com>>

                    I gave your suggestion a try.  I made an entry in
                    /etc/hosts that resolves to then set that
                    name in master and slaves.  (I am running single
                    node for now.). The upshot is port 9997 does not
                    appear as listening at all.  If I change back to
                    localhost, then it appears again.   My guess is the
                    tablet server only starts when it's port is localhost.

                    Am I using Accumulo correctly?  Is it not designed
                    to be accessed remotely?

                    On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 2:20 PM, Josh Elser
                    <josh.el...@gmail.com <mailto:josh.el...@gmail.com>>

                        Accumulo chooses the network interface to bind
                        given the resolution of the hostname that you
                        provide in the "hosts" files in ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR.

                        If you have "localhost" (the default) still in
                        the files (e.g. masters, slaves), this
                        presumably resolves to which will
                        result in Accumulo not accepting connections
                        from your VM's network adapter.

                        A quick hack would be to put "" in those
                        files instead of "localhost". I think the
                        Accumulo scripts only have the ability to
                        override the bound interface for the Monitor,
                        not all processes, to be You could also
                        use a hostname you define in /etc/hosts that
                        binds to the proper interface instead (which
                        would be a bit more like reality).

                        On 11/8/17 10:43 AM, Geoffry Roberts wrote:


                            I have used Accumulo before, but a few
                            versions ago (1.5.1), maybe something has
                            changed.  Also, I've never before run it in
                            a VM.

                            I am running Accumulo from withn a VM and
                            attempting to connect from without.  I am
                            getting a complaint regarding port 9997,
                            which, within the VM, is listening on
                            <>.  Apparently, I need
                            to get it onto
                            <>.  Am I correct?

                            Hadoop 2.6.2
                            Zookeeper 3.4.10
                            Accumulo 1.8.1
                            Thrift 0.10.0
                            Ubuntu 16.04 as a VBox guest
                            OSX 10.12.06 as the host

                            The HAZ is running on the VM.  From the CLI
                            I can connect with the Zookeeper client and
                            the Accumulo client.

                            I have ports 22, 50070, 50075, 2181, 9995,
                            and 9997 forwarded.

                              From the host, I can browse the Hadoop and
                            Accumulo web pages.  I can also connect
                            using the Zookeeper client.  When I try to
                            connect from Java,  I am getting a
                            successful connect to 2181, but it complains
                            about port 9997.

                            The VM is showing all forwarded ports as
                            listening on <>:<port>
                            except for
                            <>.  As best I can tell
                            Thrift needs the port.

                            My connect code:

                            String instance=

                            String uri =

                            Instance inst = new
                            ZooKeeperInstance(instance, uri);

                            String user = properties.getProperty(USER);

                            String password =

                            AuthenticationToken token = new

                            conn = inst.getConnector(user, token);

                            Errors from Java:

                            2017-11-08 09:50:55 INFO  ZooKeeper:438 -
                            Initiating client connection,

                            2017-11-08 09:50:55 INFO  ClientCnxn:1032 -
                            Opening socket connection to server
                            Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL
                            (unknown error)

                            2017-11-08 09:50:55 INFO  ClientCnxn:876 -
                            Socket connection established to
                            initiating session

                            2017-11-08 09:50:55 INFO  ClientCnxn:1299 -
                            Session establishment complete on server
                            sessionid = 0x15f9c185f8e0006, negotiated
                            timeout = 30000

2017-11-08 09:50:58 WARN ThriftTransportPool:539 - Server
                            localhost:9997 (120000) had 20 failures in a
                            short time period, will not complain anymore

                            It then continues to try to connect to no avail.

                            Thanks in advance

-- There are ways and there are ways,

                            Geoffry Roberts

-- There are ways and there are ways,

                    Geoffry Roberts

-- There are ways and there are ways,

            Geoffry Roberts

-- Sent from handheld device

-- There are ways and there are ways,

    Geoffry Roberts

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