Great, glad that was it.

What "custom ones" are you referring to? The shell commands you shared earlier or something else?

On 8/23/18 12:35 PM, Jonathan Yom-Tov wrote:

You were right, the tracer process was misconfigured. Now I can see some traces like major compactions but all my custom ones are not written to the trace table. My user is root, table is trace and I have Table.READ, Table.WRITE on the trace table. Any ideas on what could be causing this?

On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 3:25 PM, Josh Elser < <>> wrote:

    Ensure that the Tracer service is running on the node(s) specified
    in ${ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR}/tracers

    Likely, this process died because it didn't have permission to
    create and write to the trace table. To fix that, you need to grant
    permissions to the trace user to create tables or create the table
    by hand and then grant read/write permission to the trace user.

    On 8/23/18 5:26 AM, Jonathan Yom-Tov wrote:


        I'm trying to trace scans. So I issued the following commands:
        createtable test
        insert a b c d
        trace on
        trace off

        And got: ERROR:
        org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException: Table
        trace does not exist

        If I create the trace table manually I get "Waiting for trace
        information" over and over.

        How can I make tracing work on my cluster?

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