
On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 10:51 AM, <user-digest-h...@any23.apache.org> wrote:

> 1. Remove  any white space characters after first one.
> 2. If there is a tab or a series of tabs convert it to a single white
> space character as well ?

I pushed a fix for the issue in ANY23-115 yesterday. The fix basically
fixed the MicrodataParser breaking on empty spans. The other issue we
noticed however, regarding replacing tab's and unduly white space, etc
would also be another improvement.

> Please also let me know who I can build the embedded server tar file from
> the modified code , is there a script for that ?

You can simply run mvn clean install from CLI. This will package the server
into server/target you can then grab whichever artifact suits you and you
will be good to go. Please let us know how you get on.

> Also there are two folders in SVN under trunk core and service , which
> folder should I check out for me to be able to use it as an embedded server
> to test out?

Don't use SVN anymore for Any23. We switched to git.
You can checkout the git source from here https://github.com/apache/any23

> Can you please answer my questions ? I can start working on it today.

I apologies for the  delay. I get the message through as a batch digest. As
the list is not so busy these days the delay can sometimes be days. Sorry.
Thanks for your persistence on this one.

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