However, it's good to target this for Beam 3.0.0 as it can have an impact especially for runners.


On 10/17/2017 06:45 PM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
+1 from a general purpose.

+0 from a runner perspective (as it depends of the execution engine).


On 10/17/2017 06:16 PM, Ismaël Mejía wrote:
We have discussed recently in the developer mailing list about the
idea of removing support for Java 7 on Beam. There are multiple
reasons for this:

- Java 7 has not received public updates for almost two years and most
companies are moving / have already moved to Java 8.
- A good amount of the systems Beam users rely on have decided to drop
Java 7 support, e.g. Spark, Flink, Elasticsearch, even Hadoop plans to
do it on version 3.
- Most Big data distributions and Cloud managed Spark/Hadoop services
have already moved to Java 8.
- Recent versions of core libraries Beam uses are moving to be Java 8
only (or mostly), e.g. Guava, Google Auto, etc.
- Java 8 has some nice features that can make Beam code nicer e.g.
lambdas, streams.

Considering that Beam is a ‘recent’ project we expect users to be
already using Java 8. However we wanted first to ask the opinion of
the Beam users on this subject. It could be the case that some of the
users are still dealing with some old cluster running on Java 7 or
have another argument to keep the Java 7 compatibility.

So, please vote:
+1 Yes, go ahead and move Beam support to Java 8.
  0 Do whatever you want. I don’t have a preference.
-1 Please keep Java 7 compatibility (if possible add your argument to
keep supporting for Java 7).

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend -

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