Assuming that null means that the accumulator was never created is not
right especially if null is a valid terminal state while the
initial accumulator value is non-null. This is uncommon but possible. Filed

+Aljoscha Krettek <> Is this something you can take a
look at?

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 9:25 AM Andrés Garagiola <>

> Hi all,
> I have this problem in a stream pipeline using the runner Apache Flink
> 1.19. I want to do an upgrade to my job. I first end the job by using the
> Flink API creating a savepoint, and then I start the new version by using
> the Flink API passing the savepoint path.
> When the job ends two new records are created. The first one is OK but the
> second one is an empty record.
> My pipeline uses this window strategy:
> *Window<KV<String, TaggedEvent>> window =*
> *    Window.<KV<String,
> TaggedEvent>>into(CalendarWindows.days(this.options.getWindowDays()))*
> *        .triggering(AfterWatermark.pastEndOfWindow()*
> *
> .withEarlyFirings(AfterProcessingTime.pastFirstElementInPane().plusDelayOf(delay))*
> *
>  .withLateFirings(AfterProcessingTime.pastFirstElementInPane()))*
> *
> .withAllowedLateness(Duration.standardSeconds(this.options.getAllowedLateness()))*
> *        .accumulatingFiredPanes();*
> I implemented a custom combiner, and I realized that the state of the
> combiner is null in the second output. This line (
> is evaluated to false, and then it creates an empty accumulator.
> Is this the expected behavior?
> Thanks

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