Hi Chris,

Sorry about the delay. I should probably take some time to look into what
the exact issue is but here are my initial thoughts.

If you are just after a regex that will match /bloodhound/login you could
experiment with just using /bloodhound/login in that location. If it turns
out it is better to keep some of the flavour of what the original
LocationMatch is attempting, the next obvious thing would be to try
/bloodhound/([^/]+/)?login or something that allows for 0 or 1 matches of
the whole section.

It is quite possible that this is a mistake in our documentation and the
intention of the match is so that you can serve a set of trac projects such
that the [^/]+ is matching the trac project while we are only really
intending there to be a single trac project (with one or more bloodhound

I'll have to investigate a bit further but I hope that is of some use.


On 10 March 2015 at 23:01, Harris, Christopher P <chris_har...@baxter.com>

>  After some Googling, I read the following:
> ([^/]+)
> Which means match text of 1 or more characters until a forward slash is
> found.
> So, that would match a URL such as:
> http://localhost/bloodhound/blah/login
> So, I tried the following:
> /bloodhound/[^/]*/login
> …but that didn’t work either.  Basic auth is effectively disabled, and I’m
> not greeted with a Basic auth dialog box by the browser.
> Do I really need “/bloodhound/[^/]+/login” as my RegEx pattern to catch
> whatever it is that the Trac/Bloodhound authors intend for me to catch?
> -        Chris Harris
> *From:* Harris, Christopher P
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 10, 2015 5:42 PM
> *To:* 'user@bloodhound.apache.org'
> *Subject:* "/bloodhound/[^/]+/login"
> Hi.
> Since I started using Bloodhound, around v0.4, I’ve had issues with the
> RegEx pattern "/bloodhound/[^/]+/login" that’s defined in my Apache HTTPd
> web server’s virtual hosts config.
> Specifically, my issue is that it never works!
> If I click on the Login link on the Bloodhound home page, I’m redirected
> to the login page, but I’m not greeted with a basic auth dialog box by the
> browser.  Yes, my basic auth creds from previous sessions are being
> cleared…in case that’s what you’re thinking.  Ironically, I’ve had much
> success with IE 8 in regard to clearing my basic auth credentials.
> I’ve only had success with the following RegEx patterns:
> /bloodhound/login      ß this pattern being the most ideal out of these 2
> patterns
> /bloodhound
> Still, I can circumvent the basic auth dialog box if I type in more than 1
> forward slash in between bloodhound and before login.  That’s not ideal.
> I think I understand that the pattern in question means to catch URL’s
> that have any number of forward slashes after bloodhound and before login.
> Ex – http://localhost/bloodhound//////login
> <http://localhost/bloodhound/login>
> Is my understanding correct?
> I know…this is not exactly Bloodhound-specific.  It’s more Apache
> HTTPd-specific or RegEx-specific.
> In any case, can someone please explain to me why
> "/bloodhound/[^/]+/login" is not working?
> Here’s my httpd-vhosts.conf  (and, in any case, I can at least share my
> working config that auths with Active Director groups in Apache 2.4  J  ):
> WSGIPythonHome C:/apache/bloodhound/installer/bloodhound
> WSGIPythonPath
> C:/apache/bloodhound/installer/bloodhound/site;C:/apache/bloodhound/installer/bloodhound/Lib/site-packages
> #****NOTE****The following virtual host uses mod_authz_ldap.so to handle
> auth access to Bloodhound.
> # Go to http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_authnz_ldap.html for
> documentation.
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>                WSGIScriptAlias /bloodhound
> C:/apache/bloodhound/installer/bloodhound/site/cgi-bin/trac.wsgi
>                <Directory
> C:/apache/bloodhound/installer/bloodhound/site/cgi-bin>
>                               WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
>                               Require all granted
>                               <Files trac.wsgi>
>                                              Require all granted
>                               </Files>
>                </Directory>
>                LogLevel debug
>                <LocationMatch "/bloodhound/[^/]+/login">
>                               AuthLDAPURL
> "ldap://<the_host>:3268/<the_search_base>?<the_attribute>?sub?(objectClass=<the_object_class>)"
>                               AuthLDAPBindDN "<the_bind_dn>”
>                               AuthLDAPBindPassword "<the_password>"
>                               LDAPReferrals Off
>                               AuthType Basic
>                               AuthName "Bloodhound - Please Provide Your
> Credentials"
>                               AuthBasicProvider ldap
>                               Require ldap-group <the_ldap_group>
>                               AuthLDAPGroupAttribute member
>                               AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN on
>                </LocationMatch>
> </VirtualHost>
> -        Chris Harris
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