On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 7:18 AM, aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com> wrote:
> You can check the schema using cassandra-cli, run "describe cluster" it will
> tell you how many schemas are defined.
> I think the best approach when you discover bad schemas is to drain then
> stop the affected node, remove the Location, Migrations and Schema files in
> the System data directory, restart and let gossip tell the node whats new.
> Note this will also remove the nodes initial token, which will be read again
> from the config file.
> I've cannot remember hearing about a better solution.
> The errors are probably http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/FAQ#jna
> Hope that helps.

Hmm.. nope just checked - all nodes are on the same schema.  As far as
what the error means, I meant what is "RequestResponseStage Assertion
Error"  It does not seem to be critical, as the cluster is operating
"normally" except for the errors printing out on this node.

Any other thoughts?

Thanks again,

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