Hey everyone,

We're trying to migrate a cassandra cluster from a bunch of Windows
machines to a bunch of (newer and more powerful) Linux machines.

Our initial plan was to simply bootstrap the Linux servers into the cluster
one by one, and then decommission the old servers one by one. However, when
we try to join a Linux server to the cluster, we get the following error:

ERROR 11:52:22,959 Fatal exception in thread Thread[Thread-21,5,main]
java.lang.AssertionError: Filename must include parent directory.

A quick googling reveals that the cause is the simple fact that Cassandra
is transmitting the full path of the datafiles with the native directory
separator, "\", and the Linux servers expect it to be "/", and get confused
as a result.

We're running version 1.0.8. Is this fixed in a later release? Will this be
fixed in a later release?

Are there any other ways of doing the migration? What happens if we join
the new servers without bootstrapping and run repair? Are there any other
ugly hacks or workaround we can do? We're not looking to run a mixed
cluster, we just want to migrate all the data as painlessly as possible.


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