On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Henrik Schröder <skro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok. It's important for us to not have any downtime, so how about this
> solution:
> We startup the Linux cluster independently.
> We configure our application to send all Cassandra writes to both clusters,
> but only read from the Windows cluster.
> We run sstableloader on each windows server (Is it possible to do in
> parallell?), sending whatever it has to the Linux cluster.
> When it's done on all Windows servers, we configure our application to only
> talk to the Linux cluster.

That sounds fine, with the caveat that you can't run sstableloader
from a machine running Cassandra before 1.1, so copying the sstables
manually (assuming both clusters are the same size and have the same
tokens) might be better.

> The only issue with this is the timestamps of the data and tombstones in
> each sstable, will they be preserved by sstableloader? What about deletes of
> non-existing keys? Will they be stored in the Linux cluster so that when
> sstableloader inserts the key later, it's resolved as being deleted?

None of that should be a problem.


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