On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Jon Haddad <j...@jonhaddad.com> wrote:

> Just curious - what do you need to do that requires thrift?  We've build
> our entire platform using CQL3 and we haven't hit any issues.

Here's one thing: If you're using wide rows and you want to do anything
other than just append individual columns to the row, then CQL3 (as it
functions currently) is way too slow.

I just created the following Jira issue 5 minutes ago because we've been
fighting with this issue for the last 2 days. Our workaround was to swap
out CQL3 + DataStax Java Driver in favor of Astyanax for this particular
use case:



Les Hazlewood | @lhazlewood
CTO, Stormpath | http://stormpath.com | @goStormpath | 888.391.5282

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