On 03/10/2014 05:15 PM, Michael Shuler wrote:
I did find a bug with the same behavior you described. I have no idea
why someone *removed* the dependency on a functional JRE from the
cassandra package - this is *not* the same Depends: line as the
upstream OSS cassandra package

Quick follow-up on why this package deviates from the upstream deb package: this is done to prevent users from being force-installed the OpenJDK packages, since most users install the Oracle JRE from tar [0]. This installation of OpenJDK via package steps on the hand-installed java alternatives symlinks. I had assumed, incorrectly, that the cassandra package in the DSC repository was the identical package as in the Apache repository.

[0] http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/install/installJreDeb.html

Kind regards,

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