Multi-tenant remain a "challenge" - for most technologies. Yes, you can do what you suggest, but... you need to exercise great care and test and provision your cluster with great care. It's not like a free resource that scales wildly in all directions with no forethought or care.

It is something that does work, sort of, but it wasn't one of the design goals or core strengths of Cassandra. IOW, it was/is more of a side effect rather than a "core pattern". "Anti-pattern" simply means that it is not guaranteed to be a full-fledged, first-class feature. It means you can do it, and if it works well for you for your particular use case, great, but don't complain too loudly here if it doesn't.

That said, anybody who has great success - or great failure - with multi-tenant for Cassandra, or any other technology, should definitely share their experiences here.

And the bottom line is that "dozens" or "low hundreds" remains the recommended "limit" for tables in a single Cassandra cluster. Not a hard limit, but just a "recommendation."

Multi-tenant is an area of great interest, so I suspect Cassandra - and all other technologies - will see a lot of evolution in the coming years in this area.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Phil Luckhurst
Sent: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 4:09 AM
Subject: Re: Reasonable range for the max number of tables?

Is there any mention of this limitation anywhere in the Cassandra
documentation? I don't see it mentioned in the 'Anti-patterns in Cassandra'
section of the DataStax 2.0 documentation or anywhere else.

When starting out with Cassandra as a store for a multi-tenant application
it seems very attractive to segregate data for each tenant using a tenant
specific keyspace each with their own set of tables. It's not until you
start browsing through forums such as this that you find out that it isn't
going to scale above a few tenants.

If you want to be able to segregate customer data in Cassandra is it the
accepted practice to have multiple Cassandra installations?

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