Are prepared statements what you're looking for?
Jim Witschey

Software Engineer in Test |

On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Matthew Johnson
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Currently looking at switching from HBase to Cassandra, and one big
> difference so far is that in HBase, we create a ‘Put’ object, add to it a
> set of column/value pairs, and send the Put to the server. So far in
> Cassandra 2.1.4 the tutorials seem to suggest using CQL3, which I really
> like for prototyping eg:
> session.execute("INSERT INTO simplex.playlists (id, song_id, title, album,
> artist) VALUES (1,1,'La Petite Tonkinoise','Bye Bye Blackbird','Joséphine
> Baker');");
> But for more complicated code this will quickly become unmanageable, and
> doesn’t lend itself well to dynamically creating row data based on various
> conditions. Is there a way to send a Java object, populated with the desired
> column/value pairs, to the server instead of executing an insert statement?
> Would this require some other library, or does the DataStax Java driver
> support this already?
> Thanks in advance,
> Matt

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