The 6k is only the starting value, its expected to scale up to ~200 million

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 5:44 PM, Robert Wille <> wrote:

>  You could use lightweight transactions to update only if the record is
> newer. It doesn’t avoid the read, it just happens under the covers, so it’s
> not really going to be faster compared to a read-before-write pattern
> (which is an anti-pattern, BTW). It is probably the easiest way to avoid
> getting a whole bunch of copies of each record.
>  But even with a read-before-write pattern, I don’t understand why you are
> worried about 6K records per hour. That’s nothing. You’re probably looking
> at several milliseconds to do the read and write for each record (depending
> on your storage, RF and CL), so you’re probably looking at under a minute
> to do 6K records. If you do them in parallel, you’re probably looking at
> several seconds. I don’t get why something that probably takes less than a
> minute that is done once an hour is a problem.
>  BTW, I wouldn’t do all 6K in parallel. I’d use some kind of limiter
> (e.g. a semaphore) to ensure that you don’t execute more than X queries at
> a time.
>  Robert
>  On May 13, 2015, at 6:20 AM, Ali Akhtar <> wrote:
>  But your previous email talked about when T1 is different:
>  > Assume timestamp T1 < T2 and you stored value V with timestamp T2.
> Then you store V’ with timestamp T1.
>  What if you issue an update twice, but with the same timestamp? E.g if
> you ran:
>  Update .... where foo=bar USING TIMESTAMP = 10000000
>  and 1 hour later, you ran exactly the same query again. In this case,
> the value of T is the same for both queries. Would that still cause
> multiple values to be stored?
> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 5:17 PM, Peer, Oded <> wrote:
>>  It will cause an overhead (compaction and read) as I described in the
>> previous email.
>> *From:* Ali Akhtar []
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 13, 2015 3:13 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: Updating only modified records (where lastModified <
>> current date)
>> > I don’t understand the ETL use case and its relevance here. Can you
>> provide more details?
>> Basically, every 1 hour a job runs which queries an external API and gets
>> some records. Then, I want to take only new or updated records, and insert
>> / update them in cassandra. For records that are already in cassandra and
>> aren't modified, I want to ignore them.
>> Each record returns a lastModified datetime, I want to use that to
>> determine whether a record was changed or not (if it was, it'd be updated,
>> if not, it'd be ignored).
>> The issue was, I'm having to do a 'select lastModified from table where
>> id = ?' query for every record, in order to determine if db lastModified <
>> api lastModified or not. I was wondering if there was a way to avoid that.
>> If I use 'USING TIMESTAMP', would subsequent updates where lastModified
>> is a value that was previously used, still create that overhead, or will
>> they be ignored?
>> E.g if I issued an update where TIMESTAMP is X, then 1 hour later I
>> issued another update where TIMESTAMP is still X, will that 2nd update
>> essentially get ignored, or will it cause any overhead?
>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 5:02 PM, Peer, Oded <> wrote:
>> USING TIMESTAMP doesn’t avoid compaction overhead.
>> When you modify data the value is stored along with a timestamp
>> indicating the timestamp of the value.
>> Assume timestamp T1 < T2 and you stored value V with timestamp T2. Then
>> you store V’ with timestamp T1.
>> Now you have two values of V in the DB: <V,T2>, <V’,T1>
>> When you read the value of V from the DB you read both <V,T2>, <V’,T1>,
>> Cassandra resolves the conflict by comparing the timestamp and returns V.
>> Compaction will later take care and remove <V’,T1> from the DB.
>> I don’t understand the ETL use case and its relevance here. Can you
>> provide more details?
>> UPDATE in Cassandra updates specific rows. All of them are updated,
>> nothing is ignored.
>> *From:* Ali Akhtar []
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 13, 2015 2:43 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: Updating only modified records (where lastModified <
>> current date)
>> Its rare for an existing record to have changes, but the etl job runs
>> every hour, therefore it will send updates each time, regardless of whether
>> there were changes or not.
>> (I'm assuming that USING TIMESTAMP here will avoid the compaction
>> overhead, since that will cause it to not run any updates unless the
>> timestamp is actually > last update timestamp?)
>> Also, is there a way to get the number of rows which were updated /
>> ignored?
>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Peer, Oded <> wrote:
>> The cost of issuing an UPDATE that won’t update anything is compaction
>> overhead. Since you stated it’s rare for rows to be updated then the
>> overhead should be negligible.
>> The easiest way to convert a milliseconds timestamp long value to
>> microseconds is to multiply by 1000.
>> *From:* Ali Akhtar []
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 13, 2015 2:15 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: Updating only modified records (where lastModified <
>> current date)
>> Would TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMicros(  myDate.getTime() ) work for
>> producing the microsecond timestamp ?
>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Ali Akhtar <> wrote:
>> If specifying 'using' timestamp, the docs say to provide microseconds,
>> but where are these microseconds obtained from? I have regular
>> java.util.Date objects, I can get the time in milliseconds (i.e the unix
>> timestamp), how would I convert that to microseconds?
>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Ali Akhtar <> wrote:
>> Thanks Peter, that's interesting. I didn't know of that option.
>> If updates don't create tombstones (and i'm already taking pains to
>> ensure no nulls are present in queries), then is there no cost to just
>> submitting an update for everything regardless of whether lastModified has
>> changed?
>> Thanks.
>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Peer, Oded <> wrote:
>> You can use the “last modified” value as the TIMESTAMP for your UPDATE
>> operation.
>> This way the values will only be updated if lastModified date > the
>> lastModified you have in the DB.
>> Updates to values don’t create tombstones. Only deletes (either by
>> executing delete, inserting a null value or by setting a TTL) create
>> tombstones.
>> *From:* Ali Akhtar []
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:27 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Updating only modified records (where lastModified < current
>> date)
>> I'm running some ETL jobs, where the pattern is the following:
>> 1- Get some records from an external API,
>> 2- For each record, see if its lastModified date > the lastModified i
>> have in db (or if I don't have that record in db)
>> 3- If lastModified < dbLastModified, the item wasn't changed, ignore it.
>> Otherwise, run an update query and update that record.
>> (It is rare for existing records to get updated, so I'm not that
>> concerned about tombstones).
>> The problem however is, since I have to query each record's lastModified,
>> one at a time, that's adding a major bottleneck to my job.
>> E.g if I have 6k records, I have to run a total of 6k 'select
>> lastModified from myTable where id = ?' queries.
>> Is there a better way, am I doing anything wrong, etc? Any suggestions
>> would be appreciated.
>> Thanks.

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