What disk size are you using?

From:  Mike Heffner
Reply-To:  "user@cassandra.apache.org"
Date:  Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 2:24 PM
To:  "user@cassandra.apache.org"
Cc:  Peter Norton
Subject:  Re: Debugging write timeouts on Cassandra 2.2.5


Thanks for the suggestion, we ran some tests against CMS and saw the same 
timeouts. On that note though, we are going to try doubling the instance sizes 
and testing with double the heap (even though current usage is low).


On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 3:40 PM, Paulo Motta <pauloricard...@gmail.com> wrote:
Are you using the same GC settings as the staging 2.0 cluster? If not, could 
you try using the default GC settings (CMS) and see if that changes anything? 
This is just a wild guess, but there were reports before of G1-caused 
instabilities with small heap sizes (< 16GB - see CASSANDRA-10403 for more 
context). Please ignore if you already tried reverting back to CMS.

2016-02-10 16:51 GMT-03:00 Mike Heffner <m...@librato.com>:
Hi all, 

We've recently embarked on a project to update our Cassandra infrastructure 
running on EC2. We are long time users of 2.0.x and are testing out a move to 
version 2.2.5 running on VPC with EBS. Our test setup is a 3 node, RF=3 cluster 
supporting a small write load (mirror of our staging load).

We are writing at QUORUM and while p95's look good compared to our staging 
2.0.x cluster, we are seeing frequent write operations that time out at the max 
write_request_timeout_in_ms (10 seconds). CPU across the cluster is < 10% and 
EBS write load is < 100 IOPS. Cassandra is running with the Oracle JDK 8u60 and 
we're using G1GC and any GC pauses are less than 500ms.

We run on c4.2xl instances with GP2 EBS attached storage for data and commitlog 
directories. The nodes are using EC2 enhanced networking and have the latest 
Intel network driver module. We are running on HVM instances using Ubuntu 

Our schema is 5 tables, all with COMPACT STORAGE. Each table is similar to the 
definition here: https://gist.github.com/mheffner/4d80f6b53ccaa24cc20a

This is our cassandra.yaml: 

Like I mentioned we use 8u60 with G1GC and have used many of the GC settings in 
Al Tobey's tuning guide. This is our upstart config with JVM and other CPU 
settings: https://gist.github.com/mheffner/dc44613620b25c4fa46d

We've used several of the sysctl settings from Al's guide as well: 

Our client application is able to write using either Thrift batches using 
Asytanax driver or CQL async INSERT's using the Datastax Java driver.

For testing against Thrift (our legacy infra uses this) we write batches of 
anywhere from 6 to 1500 rows at a time. Our p99 for batch execution is around 
45ms but our maximum (p100) sits less than 150ms except when it periodically 
spikes to the full 10seconds.

Testing the same write path using CQL writes instead demonstrates similar 
behavior. Low p99s except for periodic full timeouts. We enabled tracing for 
several operations but were unable to get a trace that completed successfully 
-- Cassandra started logging many messages as:

INFO  [ScheduledTasks:1] - MessagingService.java:946 - _TRACE messages were 
dropped in last 5000 ms: 52499 for internal timeout and 0 for cross node timeout

And all the traces contained rows with a "null" source_elapsed row: 

We've exhausted as many configuration option permutations that we can think of. 
This cluster does not appear to be under any significant load and latencies 
seem to largely fall in two bands: low normal or max timeout. This seems to 
imply that something is getting stuck and timing out at the max write timeout.

Any suggestions on what to look for? We had debug enabled for awhile but we 
didn't see any msg that pointed to something obvious. Happy to provide any more 
information that may help.

We are pretty much at the point of sprinkling debug around the code to track 
down what could be blocking.




  Mike Heffner <m...@librato.com>
  Librato, Inc.


  Mike Heffner <m...@librato.com>
  Librato, Inc.

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