Hi Subharaj,
Cassandra is built to be a Fault tolerant distributed db and suitable for 
building HA systems. As Cassandra provides multiple replicas for the same data, 
if a single nide goes down in Production, it wont bring down the cluster.
In my opinion, if you target to start one or more failed Cassandra nodes 
without investigating the issue, you can damage system health rather than 
preserve it.
Please set RF amd CL appropriately to ensure that system can afford node 

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  On Fri, 5 Feb, 2016 at 9:56 am, Debraj Manna<subharaj.ma...@gmail.com> wrote: 

What is the best way to keep cassandra running? My requirement is if for some 
reason cassandra stops then it should get started automatically. 

I tried to achieve this by adding cassandra to supervisord. My supervisor conf 
for cassandra looks like below:-
command=/bin/bash -c 'sleep 10 && bin/cassandra'

But it does not seem to work properly. Even if I stop cassandra from 
supervisor then the cassandra process seem to be running if I do 
ps -ef | grep cassandra

I also tried the configuration mentioned in this question but still no luck.

Can someone let me know what is the best way to keep cassandra running on 
production environment?
   - Cassandra 2.2.4
   - Debian 8



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