Hi Steve,

Please find the responses in line:

WARN  15:41:58 Unable to lock JVM memory (ENOMEM). This can result in part
> of the JVM being swapped out, especially with mmapped I/O enabled. Increase
> RLIMIT_MEMLOCK or run Cassandra as root.
 You can edit -* /etc/security/limits.conf *and put these lines in there

* - memlock unlimited
* - nofile 100000
* - nproc 32768
* - as unlimited

and reload the properties by command $ sudo sysctl -p
and then checking it :
$ ulimit -l
and for the cassandra process by :
$ cat /proc/<cassandra-pid>/limits
Source - Datastax Troubleshooting

WARN  15:41:58 jemalloc shared library could not be preloaded to speed up
> memory allocations
If you want to allocate off heap memory using jemalloc then uncomment this
line in *cassandra-env.sh* and provide appropriate jemalloc path
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.library.path=<JEMALLOC_HOME>/lib/"

WARN  15:41:58 JMX is not enabled to receive remote connections. Please see
> cassandra-env.sh for more info.
By default JMX is enabled only for local connections, if you want to debug
from a remote machine mark LOCAL_JMX=no  in *cassandra-env.sh*

WARN  15:41:58 Cassandra server running in degraded mode. Is swap disabled?
> : true,  Address space adequate? : true,  nofile limit adequate? : false,
> nproc limit adequate? : false
You need to disable swap in order to avoid this message, using swap space
can have serious performance implications. Make sure you disable fstab
entry as well for swap partition.

Thanks & Regards,

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