Hi There -

I recently upgraded from cassandra 3.5 to 3.9 (DDC), and I noticed that the 
"new" jvm metrics are reporting with an extra '.' character in them. Here is a 
snippet of what I see from one of my nodes:

ubuntu@ip-10-0-2-163:~$ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -v dst port 2003 -A | grep 'jvm'

tcpdump: listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 

762371494 1482960946

pi.cassandra.us-east-1.cassy-node1.jvm.buffers..direct.count 3054 1482960946

pi.cassandra.us-east-1.cassy-node1.jvm.buffers..direct.used 762371496 1482960946

pi.cassandra.us-east-1.cassy-node1.jvm.buffers..mapped.capacity 515226631134 

pi.cassandra.us-east-1.cassy-node1.jvm.buffers..mapped.count 45572 1482960946

pi.cassandra.us-east-1.cassy-node1.jvm.buffers..mapped.used 515319762610 

pi.cassandra.us-east-1.cassy-node1.jvm.fd.usage 0.00 1482960946

My metrics.yaml looks like this:

    period: 60
    timeunit: 'SECONDS'
    prefix: 'pi.cassandra.us-east-1.cassy-node1'
     - host: '#RELAY_HOST#'
       port: 2003
      color: "white"
      useQualifiedName: true
        - "^org.+"
        - "^jvm.+"
        - "^java.lang.+"

All the org.* metrics come through fine, and the jvm.fd.usage metric strangely 
comes through fine, too. The rest of the jvm.* metrics have this extra '.' 
character that causes them to not show up in graphite.

Am I missing something silly here? Appreciate any help or suggestions.

- Mike

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