On 2017-07-22 07:08 (-0700), Daniel Hölbling-Inzko 
<daniel.hoelbling-in...@bitmovin.com> wrote: 
> Seeds are there to bootstrap a node for the very first time when it's has
> zero knowledge about the ring.
> I think I also read somewhere that seed nodes are periodically queried for
> some sanity checks and therefore one should not include too many nodes in
> the seed list.

Seeds have 2 purposes:

1) To find the ring the very first time,
2) To speed up convergence.

Each second, each live node will gossip with one other live node at random, and 
"maybe" gossip with one of the seed nodes.

If all of your seed nodes die or get replaced, you'll still have a working 
cluster, no big deal, it just may take longer for new changes (new nodes, 
leaving nodes, schema changes) to fully propagate..

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